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Scranton personal injury lawyer

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 Scranton personal injury lawyer

Scranton personal injury lawyer

Scranton personal injury lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be wondering if you have legal recourse beyond an insurance claim. Injuries can leave families with uncertain financial futures, such as medical bills, therapies, and lost wages. Other serious consequences associated with accidents, like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can diminish quality of life.

Law and lawyers notice

After an injury is suffered as a result of another person’s negligence, you may be eligible to recoup damages. Retaining the services of a Wilkes-Barre personal injury attorney is the first step in your road to recovery.

Do I Have A Personal Injury Claim?

Rosenbaum & Associates’ Wilkes-Barre and Scranton area law firm has experience in settling claims for clients in a variety of legal situations. We have experience in virtually every area of personal injury law. The following are examples of the kinds of cases we handle:

Medical malpractice – Your health care providers are obligated to exercise reasonable care in the delivery of health services. If they don’t, and you’re injured as a result, you may be eligible for compensation.

Product liability – Those involved in the manufacture, distribution, and retail of the products you use must employ reasonable care in assembling and selling them.

Premises liability – Also known as “slip and fall” liability, these kinds of cases cover injuries that occur on another’s property.

Workplace injuries – Employers are mandated to provide workers’ compensation coverage, but you may have legal recourse beyond the initial claim.

Exposure to toxic substances – Noxious elements in the air, soil, or water may render you or your loved ones sick, which necessitates the help of a personal injury attorney.

Permanently disabling injuries – When a catastrophic injury renders you or a loved one unable to maintain your previous quality of life, we can help you get a settlement to pay for your injury’s long-term effects.

Nursing home abuse – Our nation’s most vulnerable individuals are also prone to abuse. If you suspect a loved one has experienced abuse, contact our attorneys to hold the abusers responsible.

Dog bites – Owners must take precautions to secure their pets. If they’re negligent in this duty, you may be eligible for compensation.

Car accidents – including motorcycles and trucks.

Drunk driving

Distracted driving

Burn injuries – including scalding and electrocution.

Wrongful death.

The Basic Elements of Your Personal Injury Claim

In order to prevail in a personal injury claim you must prove the following four things:

That the person you are suing (the defendant) had a duty to exercise care around you. For example, doctors are required to follow an established standard of care with their patients.

The defendant violated that duty of care, or was negligent.

That negligence directly led to your injuries.

Those injuries led to significant damages. For example, you incurred significant medical bills, lost wages by missing work, or experienced significant pain and suffering because of your injuries.

Choose a Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer That Fights for You

Many clients worry about paying legal fees, which is why we offer our services on a contingency fee basis. This allows us to be selective about the cases we take, and gives our clients the opportunity to have quality legal representation with no fee if we don’t win the case. To schedule your free case evaluation and learn more about our process

Personal injury is an area of the law that encompasses a large number of other practice areas. Personal injuries, as defined by law, are those injuries that affect the body or the mind of an individual.

Personal Injury Lawyers at Lenahan & Dempsey

A personal injury can occur in many different types of mishaps and tragedies, ranging from auto accidents to slip and fall cases to wrongful death actions.

When you need a lawyer to represent you in a personal injury case, you must choose a lawyer or a firm with a broad practice area that can handle your claim.

Since being founded over 60 years ago, the Personal Injury lawyers at Lenahan & Dempsey have been helping those who have been seriously injured. We offer home and hospital visits and we maintain offices in Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Stroudsburg and Berwick.

Personal Injury Questions

When someone with a personal injury case comes to our offices for help, they usually have a number of questions, such as:

When should I file my claim?

Who will pay my bills when I can’t work?

Can I recoup lost wages as well as receive compensation for pain and suffering?

I am being pressured to under go testing and to sign documents by an insurance company. Should I do so?

The lawyers at Lenahan & Dempsey can help you answer these questions and more – and consultations are always free.


Our firm has access to a nationwide network of consultants and expert witnesses whose knowledge and expertise can be drawn upon to help fight for your rights.

Don’t Be Pressured By An Insurance Company

Have you seen our television commercials where a fast-talking insurance adjuster tries to get an injured man to sign away his rights?

It’s a humorous look at a situation we take very seriously – Never sign any insurance document until the document has been reviewed by a Lenahan & Dempsey lawyer.

The same goes for medical testing being urged by an insurance company. Without realizing it, by cooperating with an insurance company you may be waiving some very important legal rights.

Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one was injured in a personal injury accident caused by another person’s negligence, you need to speak with an experienced Scranton personal injury lawyer who can assist. An attorney can help you recover the financial compensation you deserve, whether your injuries were caused by a vehicle collision, medical mistake, or another type of incident.

At O’Donnell Law Offices, our Pennsylvania attorneys have years of experience helping Scranton clients with their personal injury matters. Our team is ready and able to fight the at-fault party’s insurance company, even if it means going up against a large corporation in a trial. We have a proven track record of success with personal injury matters at trial and will stop at nothing to work towards a favorable outcome in your case.

Common Types of Scranton Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can arise from a wide variety of situations. Some of the most common incidents we handle for our Scranton clients include:

Car Accidents: Millions of people are injured every year in auto accidents across the country. Getting reimbursed for your injuries is directly linked to proving liability against the other party. Pennsylvania follows the theory of comparative negligence, which means you can collect a percentage of your damages as long as your negligence doesn’t exceed that of the other party.

Wrongful Death: When a family member dies as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible to pursue a wrongful death claim. This can help your family recover damages for funeral and burial expenses, mental anguish, loss of financial support, companionship, and more.

Product Liability: When you buy a consumer product, you expect it to function like it’s designed. You also expect it to be safe. When this doesn’t happen, you or a loved one can be injured. Depending on the defect or issue, there could be multiple parties named in your defective product claim.

Medical Malpractice: When a medical professional makes a critical mistake, it could result in a claim for medical malpractice. These are typically very complex, and you definitely need a skilled Scranton medical malpractice attorney on your side.

Dog Bites: Pennsylvania law requires that owners ensure their animals do not injure another person. If their dog bites someone, the owner could be liable for your damages.

Let a Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer Help

Getting the other party’s insurance to accept liability and pay out in a personal claim can be a challenge. Some people make it worse by talking with the other party’s insurance adjuster, who looks for a way to hurt your case with the information you provide.

When you retain O’Donnell Law Offices, your attorney will work to gather evidence, prepare the strongest case possible, and handle negotiations with the other side. Our job is to keep the insurance company from extending a low ball offer in an attempt to undervalue your case.

Contact a Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Every personal injury case differs, which is why it’s so important to speak with an experienced Scranton personal injury lawyer right away. Contact the O’Donnell Law Offices today to schedule an initial consultation.

Why Choose Munley Law as Your Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer?

Munley Law has over 60 years of experience in recovering some of the largest settlements and verdicts for our personal injury clients in Scranton. In our extensive history, we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients and we continue to help clients every day with their personal injury claims. Our history of service goes back for generations with an enduring commitment to standing up for what’s right. Our law firm continues to build on this legacy by seeking justice for the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Consistently named to the “Best Law Firms” list by US News and World Report, Munley Law has had numerous record-setting jury verdicts against trucking companies, insurance companies, hospitals, and employers in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area.

If you suffered a serious injury or lost a loved one in an accident in Scranton, you should know your legal rights. You may be entitled to monetary compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, suffering, and other losses. A personal injury lawyer at Munley Law will review the details of your case for free, and guide you through the legal process. There is NO FEE unless we win your case.

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