Home Islamic Why did the Prophet call pigeons Satan?

Why did the Prophet call pigeons Satan?

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 Why did the Prophet call pigeons Satan?

Why did the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, call the pigeon a devil?

In the hadith number 4940 of Abu Dawud Sharif, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned the pigeon as a devil of a special context.


Why did the Prophet call pigeons Satan?

But many of us do not know why the Messenger of Allah called the pigeon Satan.

Pigeon is a very beautiful and attractive bird that is loved by everyone.

Therefore, this bird is kept in most of the houses, apart from the house, this bird is seen in abundance in various shrines and even in Makkah-Madinah. But in Makkah-Madinah, people give too much food to pigeons, so the number of pigeons is increasing day by day. Dear viewers, before describing the main content of the video, I would like to know an incident.

About the Pigeon After the boat stopped at Judi Hill during the Flood of Hazrat Nuh Alaihis Salat Was Salam, Hazrat Nuh Alaihis Salat Was Salam and the rest of mankind prepared to live on earth. He sent a crow to observe the situation around. The crow found a good habitat and left there and never came back.

Seeing that it was late, Noah sent a pigeon. Then the dove flew away and after a while came back with an olive leaf.

Hazrat Nuh Alai Salam and the boatmen remaining on earth realized that the earth was now habitable after seeing the mud on the feet of the pigeon. Hazrat Nuh Alai Salam prayed for the pigeon for this work. Because of this, the pigeon became an animal that was easily petted by humans. Pigeon is also a peaceful animal.

Due to irresponsibility, he cursed the crow, so the crow is more afraid of people.

 It is mentioned in Hadith number 2947 of Ibn Mazar in Sunan. On the authority of Saiber Kanna Safiyyah Radiyallahu Ta’ala Anhu – He said – When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was certain and secure in the year of the conquest of Makkah, he ascended on his own and circumambulated Baitullah and kissed Hazrat Aswad with the help of a stick in his hand, then he entered the Kaaba. Entered and saw a dove made of wood.

 Then he broke it then he threw it standing at the door of the Kaaba and Hazrat Safiyyah said I saw it myself. Whether it is a pigeon or anything else, keeping an idol in the house does not allow angels to enter that house. Even pictures of animals are not allowed. Since pigeons means pet, many people keep these pigeons, there is no obstacle in Sharia. According to most of the ulema, keeping pigeons and eating meat is completely permissible in the Shari’ah. But in the 4940 hadith of Abu Dawud Sharif, the Prophet saw a man running after a pigeon and he was engrossed in this game and he was indifferent to the prayer. Then the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that a devil is running after him.

 That is, the one who chases after the dove has also been identified with Satan’s prompting.

  According to the statement of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in this hadith, those who keep pigeons have no reason to be upset. Just indulging in playing with pigeons is understood as a satanic activity. But if you want to get economic benefit from pigeon rearing or if you like pigeon meat then there is no obstacle to keep it. Don’t forget Namaz Kalam Zikir-Azgar by just wasting your precious time chasing pigeons.

  May Allah grant us Tawfiq to understand and act on it.


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