Home Education 5 Legit Passive Income Websites (Easy Money From Home)

5 Legit Passive Income Websites (Easy Money From Home)

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 5 Legit Passive Income Websites (Easy Money From Home)

5 Legit Passive Income Websites (Easy Money From Home)
5 Legit Passive Income Websites (Easy Money From Home)

Hi  everyone it’s Tom here with me I hope you’re all having a fantastic day today so in this Article I’m covering five legit passive income websites that you can use to earn some free gift cards or PayPal cash in your spare time.

 Now these websites aren’t going to make you a millionaire they’re not going to let you quit your day job but if you’ve been struggling to create different income sources for yourself or to build passive income streams.

 These sites might provide the first stepping stone to get you started I truly think passive income is one of the coolest most awesome things people can build so hopefully one of the websites  works for you.


1.Nielsen panel

Let’s get to it alright so number one on this list of my favorite passive income websites is something called Nielsen panel now Nielsen is actually a massive data and market research company .

that has been in business for decades in fact the company is best known for its Nielsen TV ratings where I create some of the most popular TV shows based on audience size and popularity from around the world .

so in other words this is just a massive data collection company and it’s actually willing to pay users for that data so you might be able to make some passive income with it .

all you have to do is download the Nielsen panel for your computer or mobile devices from there you earn Sweepstake and entries that you can use to earn cash prizes or rewards like free electronics and the mobile panel also pays you with points that you can redeem for various free gift cards .

so basically you download the computer panel for your laptop or desktop and that gets you points you can enter sweepstakes with you can also download Nielsen on your phone that pays you with points which you can then redeem for different gift cards .

I’ve used Nielsen in the past and have cashed out a few gift cards over the years especially when I was phone farming so it’s a legit reputable company that does pay now according to Nielsen you can make about fifty dollars per year if you install Nielsen panel on your smartphone .

so you have to use the mobile panel to actually earn cash again and then the computer panel is how you get Sweepstake entries but you might earn more than 50 per year if you get a bit lucky and win a cash giveaway .

now just note with any of these passive income websites and apps you have to be comfortable with giving up your data to actually make money so if you don’t want to sell your personal information this isn’t the Article for you this isn’t the right side 

Hustle but keep that in mind and yeah if you want to get potentially 50 or more in free passive income per year Nielsen is where I would start all right .

2.Honey gain

The second passive income website I wanted to talk about in this Article is one call called honey gain and you’ve probably heard of Honey gain it’s quite popular.

 I know a lot of people that use it and I’ve used it myself over the years and it basically lets you sell your unused internet bandwidth for passive income so essentially with honeygain you’re turning your IP address and computer into a node in a VPN network .

so honeygain sells unused internet and residential IP addresses to people that want to use the internet in a different location so if someone is trying to use Netflix but it’s blocked in their country or if a business is trying to you know access some certain type of content that’s not available in their region or serve content to people faster through like a Content delivery Network kind of thing they might use a company like honeygame that’s where you the actual user comes in and earns passive income all you have to do is sign up for honey gains start running it on your computer or phone and you’ll slowly earn bits of passive income over time as different people from around the world use your IP address .

Now when I tested out honeygain I didn’t earn more than a dollar after running it for 24 hours and that was when I was living near Toronto I guess it just wasn’t a really popular area I know some people who live in the United States and they can reliably .

we make a bit more money with honeygain so if you live in the US I might consider this some European countries can also do okay once you earn twenty dollars you can cash out through PayPal so honeygang actually pays you with real cash this isn’t really the passive income website for me I don’t really like the idea of selling my IP address and internet honeygain says it’s safe they say they don’t allow illegal or weird activities on your IP but still a bit too weird for me but maybe you want to try it out or maybe you’re living in a college dorm or something and you’re gonna you know .

use the college IP address or something funny like that again not for me decide if it’s for you but that’s number two on this list of passive income websites you can use .

3.Number three on this list of passive income websites is Etsy

Number three on this list of passive income websites is Etsy and I know what you might be thinking you’re probably thinking oh Etsy is not passive income like selling on a Marketplace takes a lot of effort and upfront work .

and you are right it does at the beginning selling on Etsy or any e-commerce platform it really isn’t passive but I think if you use an Etsy print-on-demand business model you can eventually make Etsy semi-passive or even completely passive if you just let the store sit on autopilot or if you Outsource certain things,

 so with print on demand you work with a manufacturing partner to make and ship products to your customers so all you have to do is create Unique Designs upload them to your products and that’s it you just focus on the design and marketing aspect and your print on demand partner is the one that actually manufactures and ships products to customers .

when you make a sale so I actually tested out this side hustle a few years ago I sold these meme mugs on my Etsy shop I made like caveman SpongeBob Meme mugs and pepe me mugs all things like that and I sold them on Etsy .

I actually got two sales and the whole thing was very easy to set up and actually quite fun so in terms of my print on demand provider.

 I worked with printify and I really like them and recommend them it’s completely free to sign up for they have over 100 products you can upload designs to including cups hats sweaters blanket stickers you name it and the design tool is very very simple to use so realistically .

if you have a bit of design skills you can use a print-on-demand partner like prettify connect it to your Etsy shop and then just start uploading products to try and test out if anyone wants to buy them and so I think where the passive Park can kind of come in is just with etsy’s Marketplace itself in my experience .

when I was selling my meme mugs on Etsy I was actually getting organic traffic to my store because I was selling these kind of Niche weird meme mugs like if people were searching for SpongeBob gift ideas or things like that they would actually stumble across my store ,

so I think there’s potential if you pick a somewhat weird or strange Niche on Etsy and maybe you make some stickers with printify or some meme mugs or some T-shirts and you kind of Target that hyper Niche topic on Etsy again very simple business model on paper and I think there’s a lot of things you can do you know have some creative fun with this kind of business model and eventually turn it a bit more passive .

4.Number four on this list of  passive income websites is  called Racketon

Number four on this list of my favorite passive income websites is a website called racketon now I’ve been using racketon for years and I’ve personally saved and earned over a thousand dollars by using it and it’s basically a massive free shopping platform that pays you cash back for shopping at thousands of different partners.

 so to make money with reaction all you have to do is sign up for free then find Merchants you want to shop at through racketon’s web portal shop and then you get paid so basically racketent is a middleman it connects you to its Retail Partners pays you a bit of cash back for shopping through it and you’re Off to the Races cash back you earn accumulates in your account and racketon pays you quarterly through check or PayPal as long as you have at least five dollars in your account and what I really like about racketon is it works with thousands of different Retail Partners .

this includes Target Macy’s Best Buy Colts and they’re always changing in Partners always changing up cash back rates and it’s not uncommon to earn between one and ten percent cash back from a partner and what I really love about rakitin is there’s a 30 promo going on right now and a lot of the time.

 so if you sign up through a racket 10 link and you spend at least thirty dollars you’ll get thirty dollars in cash back so that’s 100 cash and pack which is a pretty sweet offer.

 so I’m gonna link racketon  if you want to try it out you have a shopping trip coming up you know online pretty soon and using the link helps support the Blog.

 so I really do appreciate it all right .

5.The fifth and final passive income website you can use is actually a collection of websites

The fifth and final passive income website you can use is actually a collection of websites and it’s to use the video rewards section on different paid survey sites .

so I’ve been using paid survey sites for years ever since my phone farming days in college and they’re honestly very Nifty ways to earn passive income with your laptop in your spare time and it really takes no effort so essentially a lot of reward websites have video rewards sections .

where you can watch videos and ads and you earn small amounts of points or cash every couple of ads you end up watching Swagbucks has a section like this grind debug does as well I’ve covered grinderbuck in one of my recent videos on this Blog on the best paid survey sites and that’s really as simple as it gets you just you know turn your laptop on go over the grounded Buck look at its video rewards section with a partner like Hideout TV or something like that.

 and you just play these videos in the background and you slowly earn points now you’re earning like fractions of pennies per ad you watch but if you’re leaving your laptop running and you’re doing some work in the meantime or you’re even running this on your phone with websites like Swagbucks you can slowly earn bits of passive income again this is what I did when I was phone farming back in the day and I’ve earned over a hundred dollars on grind a buck A lot of it coming from that video rewards section .

so it’s not big money but it is passive and it’s something you could try out if you want something very very simple anyways guys that does it for five passive income websites that you can use to start earning a bit of extra cash and gift cards in your spare time now .

these websites are honestly very easy to start out with and if you’re comfortable selling your data and you don’t mind this type of side hustle you could use them to you know earn maybe 5 10 15 maybe a bit more dollars per month without much effort but I really want to wrap up this Article by saying there’s way more lucrative passive income options out there if you’re willing to put in some more work up front vlogging is really a perfect example same thing with YouTube.

 it might take you months or even years of upfront work to you know build out your content get an audience and kind of build that online business for example with my blog this online world it’s way more passive these days and it’s making more money than it ever has been before that’s because I’ve reinvested the money into things like content writing or social media marketing help with a case of YouTube .

I’ve hired a video editor so there’s a lot of ways you can take a more lucrative business idea and turn it passive if you’re willing to invest in it so use these passive income websites make a bit of beer money on the side that kind of thing but always remember there are more lucrative ideas out there.

 if you’re willing to put in the work so hopefully at least one of these ideas you know stands out to you unless you get started anyways guys that does it for this one I hope you have enjoyed thank you guys so much for reading as always and don’t forget to check out my blog for more unique ways to make save money .

I’ll catch you guys in the next one !

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