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mizanur rahman azhari

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Mizanur Rahman Azhari

mizanur rahman azhari
mizanur rahman azhari

Mizanur Rahman Azhari: A Renowned Islamic Scholar

Mizanur Rahman Azhari is a name that is widely known in the Islamic community for his vast knowledge and expertise in Islamic studies. He is a renowned Islamic scholar who has dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Islam across the globe.

Early Life and Education

Mizanur Rahman Azhari was born in Bangladesh in 1973. He showed a keen interest in Islamic studies from an early age and went on to pursue a degree in Arabic literature from the prestigious Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

After completing his degree, he continued his studies and went on to earn a master’s degree in Islamic studies from the same university. He also holds a PhD in Islamic studies from the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

Career and Achievements of mizanur rahman azhari

Career and Achievements of mizanur rahman azhari

Career and Achievements of mizanur rahman azhari

Mizanur Rahman Azhari has dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Islam and has been actively involved in teaching and preaching since the early 90s. He has delivered numerous lectures and sermons on various topics related to Islam, including the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence.

He has also authored several books on Islamic studies, which have been widely acclaimed by the Islamic community. Some of his notable works include “The Life of Prophet Muhammad,” “Understanding the Quran,” and “Islamic Ethics and Morality.”

In addition to his teaching and writing, Mizanur Rahman Azhari has also been actively involved in various Islamic organizations and charities. He has served as the director of the Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh and is currently a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

Mizanur Rahman Azhari is also a frequent guest on various Islamic television channels and has a significant following on social media platforms, where he shares his knowledge and teachings with the world.


Mizanur Rahman Azhari is a renowned Islamic scholar who has dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Islam. His vast knowledge and expertise in Islamic studies have made him a respected figure in the Islamic community. His teachings and writings have helped people across the globe to better understand the religion of Islam and its principles.

If you are interested in learning more about Islam, Mizanur Rahman Azhari’s lectures and writings are a great place to start. With his guidance and expertise, you can gain a deeper understanding of the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, and learn how to apply these teachings to your daily life.

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